Sunday, October 02, 2022


Regarding the disaster that befell Florida, have we considered that it's all because they don't read the Good Book enough down there? Their self-imposed ignorance and illiteracy are manifestly not virtues, and AND they've willingly accepted weird hoodoo and santeria from the Cuban community. As sinful a den of godless hedonists could not be found like the entire Okeefenokee State. Miami, Disney, and cruise ships. It can't get any more undeserving Christian that that.

They're still getting off considerably lighter than Sodom and Gomorrah.

They should all be pillars of salt, the sinful heathens.

To use the immortal words of Pastor Bill Shanks: "God simply, I believe, in his mercy purged all of that stuff out of there—and now we’re going to start over again."
Michael Marcavage: "This act of God destroyed a wicked city."
Rick Scarborough: "Could this be a playing out of prophecy?"

Fred Phelps would have agreed, but the Good Lord condemned him, and caused him to sufferingly decease on March 19, 2014. In his abundant mercy.

Now that that festering abode of sin has been destroyed, let us not rebuild it. That would be communism in action and a waste of taxpayer money. String barbed wire along the northern border of the disaster zone, and if any of them cross, relocate the refugees to Texas.

Better yet, dig a deep trench and fill it with burning lizards.

FEMA camps would be too good.

Can I get an 'amen'?

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