Sunday, October 09, 2022


Stumblety-Bumblety is getting more twitchy every time I see him. Much more. This morning he was at the transit centre smacking his ears, pulling a cap as far down as it would go, plus a hood, and frenetically wobbling his head from side to side while quivering and jerking. There must be a name for his condition.
Seeing as he's also vocal at times, I'm glad he didn't get on the bus.
A man trying to transform himself into one of the sandpeople.
While hiding his eyes and ears.

There have been times he's boarded at a mad rush and crashed into everything on his way to the very back, where he turns his headphones up loud enough that the driver has gotten madder at him than he or she already was.

He may suffer from the same mental issues that plagued Steven -- who has disappeared, thank merciful providence -- who loudly proclaimed that a certain celebrity did NOT commit suicide but was offed by Hillary Clinton. Because he knew what she had been doing with the Russians. Which is why he had taken the battery out of his cellphone.
That way they couldn't track him.

They may have tracked him. Haven't seen hide nor hair in two years.

Anyhow, if Steven has not been whacked yet, those two should meet up; they could make each other extremely happy in strange and wonderful ways, rather than the rest of us very uncomfortable.

Neither man is a pipesmoker. Several of whom were around in early afternoon for the meeting of our pipeclub. I can't remember if I told all of them about a new tobacco of which I've heard -- East Farthing, a Latakia blend with Burley and A VANILLA topping -- but by the time of the next meeting a month hence I should find out how many of them are deviantly inclined.

At least three fellow pipesmokers on the internet are hobbit wannabees.
Found that out this morning on Facebook.

To the best of my knowledge each of the gentlepersons in attendance still have all or most of their marbles. But there were only half a dozen (seven) of us today.

NEWS: The South African has finished badgering around in Northern Syria, and resolved his prostate problem -- those two things are NOT related -- and the dignified Frisian gentleman temporarily blacked out. Also not related.
The collector of Rhodesians is being treated for a urinary tract thing and plans to head up to Oregon next week. The skilled woodworker is back on English blends. The president of the club is thinking of buying a pied-à-terre in Athens or Portugal. The only fluent speaker of Dutch marvelled over the splendid cheese.

See, we're normal.

There was enough cheese present to keep everybody happy. At least three kinds. Including some nice creamy Brie. Which was delicious on the garlic and pepper crackers as well as the two kinds of soft flatbread. Exquisite. Cheese is marvelous. Did you know that?
For no logical reason, here's an illustration of sunset somewhere in the South China Sea. It has absolutely nothing to do with any of the foregoing, but it looks "aromatic". Should be a label for something fruity with a Hobbit or Gandalf theme. Even Elvish.

Sherlock Baggins Flake.
Tropical peaches.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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