Thursday, October 13, 2022


Sometimes the nutballs write a book. In the comment string under a clip of Little Demon, the Christians have been having a breeding frenzy.


"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. John 3:19."

"They are getting more bold. The mass desensitization is happening on a grand scale."

"You have to play the video in really slow motion and look at the symbols that flash at the end. Some satanists were definitely at work on this show."
"THIS IS DEMONIC! I'll be praying for those who agree with the devil on this junk and call it, "just entertainment." You're giving the devil permission to plant seeds in your mind and consequences come along with that. If you're a born again believer filled with the Holy Spirit and you're planning on watching this, don't grieve the Holy Spirit; He DOES NOT agree with evil. God bless!!"

"This is pure evil. It is so sad that they pass this off as entertaining… I will definitely be praying for the souls of anyone involved in this atrocity to get right with God before it’s too late."

"We're definitely in the end of the age. Like what is this suppose to be? Like what?"

"Father, I’m ready to build an ark….. "

And so on.

A group calling themselves 'One Million Moms' (actual number: low thousands, most of them juiceless old cretins) tried to get the show cancelled, because it was EVIL! As did The American Family Association (incels, gun nuts, eunuchs, and weepy old men).

This is just one reason why people think Christians have no brains.
As well as sticks up their rears.

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