Monday, October 03, 2022


For the first time in my life I am hip. Good lord. Reason being that I'm fully vaccinated against any number of ailments, like pertussis, the pneumonia strain that hits elderly people harder, tetanus, rightwingism, and Covid.

Nearly eighty percent of the US population have had one shot, almost seventy percent have gotten two, and a third of us have received a booster.

The national averages are pulled down, of course, by the stupid states -- places mostly in the red part of the country, bless their hearts -- but here in California we also have pools of profound dumbassity.

But apparently Marin and San Francisco are not as bad as they used to be.


"It kind of became the cool thing to do to get vaccinated," said Naveen Kumar, physician-in-chief for Kaiser Permanente San Rafael Medical Center.

Among children 5 to 11, 80% in Marin County have both of their COVID-19 shots, more than double the statewide or national rates. The rate among those younger than 5 is more than five times the nation’s.

SOURCE: SFGate -- Once known for vaccine skeptics

Note: The worst vax states are Wyoming, Mississippi, and North Carolina. There is no there there in Wyoming, it's like the concave back end of nowhere, Mississippi shows up on every list of worst whatever, it's so damned third world it might as well be the empty white spot on the map somewhere beyond terra incognita, and North Carolina is where every middle-aged yuppie tax dodger and child bride husband wanna-be in California has relocated in the past decade bless their degenerate hearts and good luck to them.

[Of course there's also Florida and Texas, proving that sheer stupidity can have superlatives.]

All my life I've wanted to be statistically as hip or hipper than the high school kids of Marin.
I am so very, very chuffed. A dream finally realized. Sniff.

My worst fears at this point are that Marin kids will now also discover pipe tobacco, hot tea, and Nabokov or Simenon. If they do, there won't be enough for me.
Or, preserve us, À la recherche du temps perdu.

What is this world coming to?

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