Wednesday, March 03, 2021


Several a-holes in Chinatown without masks today. Yeah, they were White. How did you know? Other than that, shopping was a cinch. Shopkeepers recognize me as an inoffensive old guy, and people are used to me transacting my business in Cantonese when that is more convenient. And I mostly patronize the same merchants every week.
Partly because I want to know that they're all right.

I often find myself cursing out the mask-less cretins under my breath. Because this city is full of them. Hard to imagine that we had so many ignorant Republican swine here, but they'll probably be dead soon, problem solved.

They can always go to Florida, Mississippi, or Texas, if they find San Francisco too restrictive of their 'freedums'.

Didn't light up my pipe until I got to a nearly empty sidestreet, as I avoided one of my favourite alleys where last week there had been too many people. Mahjong parlours are, it seems, fully populated.
In the words of a Protestant preacher I used to know, such things lead to sin, dissipation, and mixed dancing. Of which he disapproved. Shortsighted of him, because without those things he would have been out of business.

And that, of course, explains why I do not mind having dumbass Republicans, mask-refusers, religious people, rightwing nutballs, people with a lousy sense of style and vulgar tastes, and rabid anti-smokers who do not appreciate fine briar around.
Without them, I should have no one to dispapprove of.
I'd be forced into an unnatural mellowness.

But I prefer the company of intelligent people.
Most of whom are heathen liberals.

The pipe shown above sings with red Virginias and flakes. Aromatized pipe tobaccos, such as Black Cavendish Aromatic (vanilla), RLP-6 (vanilla, toffee, chocolate, and honey), or Captain Black (various shades of pit deodorant plus sugar), are suited to wife beaters, tattooed freaks, sick individuals who torture puppies, and elderly conservatives with issues.

Because I smoke clean tobaccos, it is rare that anyone comes up to tell me I remind them of their father. Which tells you everything you need to know about the state of the world, what lived under the surface, and how we came to this present state.

Wife beaters, tattooed freaks, sick individuals who torture puppies, and elderly conservatives with issues. Plus dumbass Republicans, mask-refusers, religious people, rightwing nutballs, people with a lousy sense of style and vulgar tastes, and rabid anti-smokers.

As well as anti-vaxers and gluten-phobes.


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