Thursday, March 11, 2021


"Elligible: People living in the 94112, 94134, 94124, 94110, 94107, 94102, 94103, and 94130 zip codes who are age 65+ OR who work in the following types of jobs: healthcare, childcare, education, restaurants and other food service, transit, and emergency services."

So basically, most of Chinatown (zip codes 94102, 94108, 94109, 94111, and 94133) is NOT elligible. The word from city government (mayor London Breed and pals) to Chinatown may very well be "go screw yourselves", but they aren't quite putting it that way.
Because doing so would be bad for their political careers.
It might come back to haunt them.

Not entirely coincidentally, most of the people I care about live in those five zipcodes.
94102 (!), 94108, 94109, 94111, and 94133.

I'm not eligible either. Wrong zip code, and although I deal with many people in close proximity as part of my job, that doesn't qualify as "healthcare, childcare, education, restaurants and other food service, transit, and emergency services". And I'm not yet old enough.

None of the people at the (crowded) shops where I purchase supplies are.

Well, that's one load off my mind. We can all rot.

Screw you, San Francisco.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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