Sunday, March 14, 2021


Getting up on time this morning was no problem, neither was catching the bus to work. But in the quiet hours between those two actions, the effervescent madness, tension, and sense of urgency affected me. I forgot to take my daily medications while at the computer with my first cup of coffee. Consequently I was ill at ease and slightly uncomfortable for most of the day.

This did NOT impact on my conversations.
They were as sane and balanced as you would expect.
A rational man is not easily flapped or fazed.

"Right wing America has the hots for a cartoon bunny"
"No, that's just Tucker Carlson.
"It tells you something about Southern ideals of womanhood."
"Tells you that they're out of their minds there."
"It must be the climate."

That was while I was enjoying the first pipe of the day, in a pipe that has turned out to be one of my best smokes since I restored it a few years ago. A pleasing development, as the beginning was mediocre and unmemorable, and I wondered if I should bother having a new stem made. When one "redeems" pieces from the discard pile (too tarred and feathered, too clobbered and bitten through, and a of brand that means squiddly dot as far as collectability is concerned), it's always a crap shoot; will it be worth the time and effort? Will it return to a decent life and perform in a civilized manner? Will it eventually be something that one likes?

Some have not been so. Oh well, gave it the old school try.
This one is top-notch.


"Do you remember when my appendix exploded?" "No, should I?" "When I was recovering from surgery, they asked me three questions; did you pass gas, did you urinate, did you have a bowel movement yet?" "Should you really be talking about this in the presence of a lady?" "Oh, she's heard all of it already, in any case, what it seemed like is that I had died and gone to an English public school, where they worry about such things as regularity. Were they going to force me to take a cold shower next? It took me a day or two before I figured-out that they were just trying to see if the old fart was starting to function normally or were drastic measures in order." "They probably should've forced you into that cold shower. That would've done it."

"Where does one find "authentic" biryani in San Francisco? Anytime I've ordered it, it's some kind of fried rice dish. Not bad, but definitely not biryani." "You can't. Here it has to be homemade. Restaurants don't do it, it's always some kind of fried rice dish."

Second pipe of the day was in the hour leading up to lunch.
I can't remember the third pipe of the day. Around tea time, during a hectic period at work.
A retired gentleman confessed that the change from normal time to daylight savings had disturbed his routine. Everything was off. First cigar had been much later than usual.
I told him that it was only temporary. They would return his lost hour later, though without interest. It was like putting money in a checking account at the bank.

He asked if they'd at least give him a toaster for opening an account with them.

Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work that way.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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