Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Oh dear. A university went sky-high. Fortunately it was just an institution that indoctrinated instead of educated, and not in any way a centre of learning or free-thinking and intellectual exploration. The faculty were largely social deviants, as was the student body. So no great loss. In that part of the world especially, things are given fancy titles like university, ministry, and hospital, to disguise that they're something else entirely, and might, for instance, be torture facilities, prisons, and weapons warehouses.

The Islamic University of Gaza. Basically a bomb factory with dorms and a dining hall.
This is what happens to your lovely Islamic University when the "Engineering Department" doesn't think ahead. But don't cry. The British Labour Party will be glad to rebuild it.

Unlike the psychopaths, I am not handing out candy, however, or yelling code-speak for genocide at public events in the Western World. As usual, I wish ill on their willing enablers and collaborators in England, Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, France, San Francisco and Oakland, New York, and at Universities all over. We have failed as a society. We're no better than Malaysia, Pakistan, or Turkey, where murderous ideologies are also cheered. So both this painting and a previous one are meant more or less as a thumb in the eye for the Noam Chomsky Lauren Booth Anja Meulenbelt Gretta Duisenberg Dries Van Agt types, the keffiyeh jugend, and the ultra-left. As well as the amatores caedis in the countries just mentioned.

Given the recent repulsive manifestations of anti-Semitism in England, Ireland, and Scotland, I am more distrustful of those people than before. Much, much more. Some countries were always on my shit-list. Which, you can probably guess, is growing.

Glasgow Celtics fans, btw, are a bunch of subhuman right bastards, cheering the murder of women and children, and ecstatic over the more than twelve hundred dead. In Sheffield a Palestinian flag was raised to great joy over their city hall, and in Sydney Australia, Jewish demonstrators were told to stay home, and an angry mob of pro-Palestine demonstrators yelled "gas the Jews". In the Netherlands, Hamas supporters committed vandalism against pro-Israelis. Turco-Germans screamed praise for murder in Berlin.

The Scots and the Irish in particular can go hang.

On the other hand, I do not agree with Netanyahu's threat that every Hamas member is a dead man. Some of them should be left alive. Painfully so, in wheelchairs. We can flatten somewhere for them so it's easier to roll around.

Open spaces. We need more open spaces.

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