Tuesday, December 09, 2014


The reason why democracy is the best system of government is NOT that fewer or no wrongs will be committed than in other systems, but that it bears within itself the tools to correct those errors, rather than perpetuate them.

Judging by the squawks of outrage from the other side in Washington, this lesson does not appear to have penetrated many "conservative" minds.

Consequently it behooves us to fear them.

We shine a light on our flaws. The Far Right wishes that we wouldn't. And much of the rest of the world insists that unlike us, they don't have any flaws that need exposure.

It is probably our greatest strength.

There is much that can be improved.
Unlike in the rest of the world.
Which is utterly perfect.
As they tell us.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Well... Personally, If water boarding is torture... ooh boy.
I think jihadi's who take up arms against us should be dismembered and buried in pig skins.
However, I believe as a nation we ought not be sticking our collective noses in so many international affairs. Maybe we wouldn't ruffle as many feathers.

The back of the hill said...

I have no problem with ruffling feathers.

Some feathers need ruffling.


Anonymous said...

Funny how, where it is most important our policies haven't been corrected.

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