Tuesday, December 16, 2014


One of the tropes that seems to erupt like a recurring pimple or festering sore every time discussions about discrimination occupy the discourse, is the "I don't see colour" statement. This is offered by sincere people convinced that their personal lack of bias, as they conceive it to be, not only encapsulates a perfect approach, even a solution, but also contributes significantly to understanding.

"I don't see colour, I only see 'people'."

Which, of course, is a complete load.

The phrase "I don't see colour" is about as ridiculous as a man saying "I don't see boobies". You know he does. Whether he likes them small or large, protuberant or somewhat shelf-like, or even considers them unimportant in the grand scheme of things, they were probably the first two details his subconscious eye registered. And whether he realizes it or not (more often not), they will influence his interaction with the person bearing said boobies ever forth.

Now, you might say, that's ridiculous! Not ALL men treat women as sex objects!

True. Did I say they did? Did I even hint at that?

What I said was that he noticed her breasts. Or lack thereof. Which, coupled with other factors, told him various things that helped him deal with her. Such as that she was probably a hottie when she was fifty years younger, he wishes he had known her then, because with that personality and those general dimensions....... I wonder if her grandkids appreciate what a dynamite gal G'amma is, lord I hope she doesn't vote Republican.....
The point being that her face, her conversation, AND her physical attributes, all contribute to a total impression, which will inevitably become more nuanced as the acquaintanceship progresses, but will always be a combo picture.
Only later do we notice the delicate hands and the fact that she has novel ideas about nuclear fusion.

"I don't see colour or gender, I only perceive threatening amorphous blobs with fuzzy outlines, unless they are less then five feet away, in which case I start screaming, and trying to hit them with my umbrella, especially if they are on public transit, because I need my own karma-realm, bitches."

"Don't make me assume my ultimate form!"

If you don't see colour (or gender), both your social life and your love life must be very interesting.
And a complete mess.
On the other hand, you could just be spewing politically correct bull-pucky.

You probably don't see police uniforms either.

Please reflect on how lucky you are.

Mmm, lovely boobies.

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