Wednesday, December 31, 2014


If it weren't for Rush Limbaugh pooping in his brain-cavity again, this blogger would not even know who Idris Elba is. Thank you, mister Limbaugh. You have some use after all. Not just as a doorstop.

Idris Elba was suggested as a possible James Bond.

Like all Bond-actors with one notable exception, he is not Scottish.

That may surprise you.

His non-Scottishness has offended Rush Limbaugh, proud scion of the MacLimbaugh's of Alba. As a direct lineal descendant of MacGhalraithe de Fraochún, Rush believes that just as Jesus is traditionally played by a blond Norseman, Bond should always be shown as a glib sex-crazed Celtic gentleman with a sneeringly supercilious attitude.
Change galls him. He fears new things.
Tradition is sacred.

Not being myself particularly vested in Scottishness or the crazed ranting disapproval of Presbyterians, I do not really care who plays Bond.
But it's a stupid role, and a waste of a perfectly fine actor.
I'm surprised that I had not heard of him before.

Such a pity that I have heard of Rush Hudson Limbaugh, though. My life, and yours too, would be so much better if Rush Limbaugh was entirely unheard of.

And unheard.

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