Monday, December 01, 2014


Due to various events my apartment mate was at home five days out of seven last week. A lot of that time coincided with my days off. Now, bear in mind that I am very fond of her -- I've known her for twenty five years, and though we aren't 'involved', there are several areas where our tastes and peculiarities overlap -- but it can at times be trying to have her around.
She is a life-long non-smoker.

I am, if anything, a mildly stubborn tobacco fiend.

When she's home, I cannot light up.

On my days off, I like to ensconce myself somewhere comfy, with a cup of milk tea or coffee, a good book, and pipe-full of something stinky. The ensuing odour does not bother me and others of my kind, we rather enjoy the reek of well-matured leaves and dusty tomes, as well as all the other subtle fragrances that attend our various habits. Pipe-smokers are, at heart, burrowers and den-builders. We don't require much space, but we do absolutely need an ashtray and a surface for the teacup.

If our homes end up a bit pongy, so what? It's raining outside, crap is being chased from nook to cranny along the street, and weird wet stuff is falling from the sky. We're comfortable with our books and throw-rugs.
Join us. There's a cup of strong tea in it for you, and an extra quilt or cover. Bring your own book. Just don't criticize the aromas; they stimulate mood and memory.

The blinds in both the television room and my own quarters are always drawn, which means that this is a very private place. I do not have to worry about the disapproving stares of tobacco-hating neighbors who might be judgmental or nosy on the other side of the backlots between the buildings. If they could see this far.

Even though I was out of the house most of the weekend, the weather did not affect me. The rain delayed till yesterday evening.

No, I did not do any shopping; be real. Black Friday does not mean a thing to me, there are no wife and kids to buy presents for at Christmas. If there were, I'm sure they would all be quite sensible and not desire playstations, video games, or expensive and useless luxury goods for the holiday.
They'd probably each want a nice pipe instead. And a tin or two of excellent tobacco. Plus their own den.

Maybe we would meet occasionally in the kitchen, while fixing a warm beverage.


As a side note, I can imagine "the lecture" that I would have to give a son or daughter once they reached a certain age.

"Son (or daughter), by now you've probably gotten over your objection to the other gender. When you were very small you insisted that they had cooties, and you wouldn't be caught dead associating with them. But you've changed. If you decide to do anything naughty, please read up on the human reproductive process first, think it over very carefully, and don't waste your time on Christians, dumbasses, or ungallant dickwads. Avoid anyone who is mean, or loud and obnoxious, or has serious gaps of sense and judgment; remember that you will probably be seen with them, and both of you will be judged by that association.
If you're going to commit nooky, three things: I do NOT want to find out about it by accident, no one else should find out either, keep clean and take precautions. Which you are paying for out of your own pocket.
If you're going to drink alcohol, it would be a damned good idea to wait until you are of legal age, only drink around people who can be trusted in any case, and kindly keep your hands off my bottle of Scotch.
If you want to smoke tobacco, remember that cigarettes are for low class people, cigars are a cop-out, and I'll gladly discuss pipes and good smoking mixtures with you whenever you're ready. If you wish to borrow a briar, talk to me.

Don't date anyone who objects vociferously to the smell of a pipe.
I won't like them. Eventually, neither will you.

Avoid illegal drugs; they're strictly for idiots and losers.
Medical marijuana is a load of horse-pucky.
Rap and popular music suck."

The other things that need to be mentioned are that low-fired ceramics are usually crap, and throw-rugs are supposed to smell a bit fusty.

I've run out of sherry again. I'll have to dash out and get more, during a break in the weather. I've got plenty of tobacco. And tea.

Sometimes I like sitting in a darkened room just listening to the rain.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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