Friday, December 05, 2014


Recently the whore of the conservative movement (no, not who you guessed; I would never call either of those two bimbos such a name) showed his complete lack of intelligence by opening his mouth. Now, you may think that must happen an awful lot -- everytime he breathes, for instance -- but what I refer to here is his inability to comprehend just how valuable the separation of church and state really is.


To Santorum, the concept of church-state separation isn’t merely misguided. It’s downright communist.

Santorum delivered this sizzling take in a conference call with social conservatives posted online today and flagged by the watchdog group Right Wing Watch. A caller told Santorum that that many of the policy priorities of President Obama and “the Democrat Party” appeared in Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto”; the caller proceeded to cite a number of things, including same-sex marriage, that appear nowhere in the tome.

“Well, I was just thinking,” Santorum chimed in, “that the words ‘separation of church and state’ is not in the U.S. Constitution, but it was in the constitution of the former Soviet Union. That’s where it very, very comfortably sat, not in ours.”

End cite.

[SOURCE: Rick Santorum: Only dirty commies support the separation of church and state (Salon).]

My people fought an eighty years war to get out from the tyranny of his people. And we destroyed their fleets wherever we encountered them, whenever we could. If we don't maintain a separation between c and s, once my people get in power we're going to burn every Papist church there is. Now, let's rethink this, okay?

I am by no means a believer, and have never been a member of a church congregation. But I will gladly support laws forbidding the practice of Catholicism, Southern Baptism, Evangelical Lutheranism, Seventh Day Adventism, Methodism, and Snake Handling, in favour of one creed only. As well as legislation approving the use of violence (remember "the right to bear arms"?) to keep those heathen heretic bastards from ever excercising any power and authority whatsoever.

The only true version of Christianity is Dutch Calvinism.
All the rest of you heathens will ROT in HELL.
We'll gladly make it happen sooner.
Just give us a chance.

By the way: American Christian religious songs are both repulsively heretical and in extremely bad taste. So those should be banned ab initio. Henceforth you should ONLY chant from the Psalter of Marnix van Sint Aldegonde or Petrus Datheen. Those who continue singing that sickening simplistic crap will have the opportunity to join Rick Santorum on the flames when we burn all of you.

Bunch of bloody Gnostics and Arians.
Spreaders of filth.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, as a nation we may be better off if, 1. Tarring and feathering of politicians was still practiced. 2. Dueling was brought back into vogue.

There seems a real lack of honor and decorum these days. I feel these two meager provisions would go a long way towards increasing civility. On all sides.

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