Thursday, December 18, 2014


Years ago a friend stated categorically that Mandarin was the most civilized Chinese language, especially compared to Cantonese, which she likened to barbaric yawping. Mandarin was refined, civilized, modulated, why, Mandarin was the be-all and end-all of Chinese!

And why didn't that bunch of southern degenerates just submit!

Hah, short stupid stubborn Cantonese!


From a distance of thirty years, allow me to rebut that.

Mandarin is what you screech at rabid dogs. It's a country bumpkin dialect, spoken primarily by inbred savages, who have no regard for manners, and often no shred of decency.

No wonder Hong Kong people despise mainlanders.

It's 100% justified.



Doesn't that sound awful? That's Mandarin, not Cantonese. Mandarin. The national language of China, as spoken by several hundred million people who lacked the wit to learn Cantonese.


Please pay especial attention to the coarse brute venting in the aisle during most of this video. Apparently he was displeased that he and his wife (or girlfriend, or mistress) had not been seated together. Subsequent to his demand for recitification of the problem, either he or a friend threatened to bomb the plane, and some woman -- his wife, his girlfriend, or his mistress -- threw scalding insta-noodle soup in the face of a Thai airline hostess. Because the two couples responsible for this disruption were adamently unwilling to apologize, the plane returned to Bangkok, where the four passengers were arrested and fined.
They subsequently did get back to China.
Where they should stay forever.
They're nasty people.

Upon landing in Nanjing, the four of them caused another scene.

The average mud-spattered Toishanese farmer has more manners and finesse than that bunch. And Mandarin, even when the speaker is in a good mood, sounds like a heathen pig-buttock language. Good lord, how on earth do they keep from slaughtering one another?


For a more "upbeat" view of mainlanders, see the video below. Yes, the captions are a fair rendition of the conversation.
Please note: normal behaviour.




Oh what the heck, one more. This video shows what happens when Mandarin-speakers wish to complain about a delay due to weather.
They're all being as reasonable and polite as they are able.
Doesn't their language sound dulcet?
Sure it does.



The fasten your seatbelt sign should be lit at all times with this lot.

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1 comment:

enviously (positively green) amphibious said...

Wah! Chinese airline flights are so…operatic.

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