Tuesday, May 12, 2020


So the computer finally bit the dust on Sunday Morning, and the quick bought replacement machine arrived shortly after lunch today. Honestly, without the internet my sanity is on thin footing. No news for two days.
No contact with friends and acquaintances, or anybody I know. No statistics on Covid19. No Wikipedia. And, crucially, no in-depth dictionaries.

While reading the 明代陶瓷大全 ('ming doi tou chi taai chuen'; "Chinese Ceramics Ming Dynasty") one character kept recurring: 窯 ("kiln"). Which of course I knew the meaning of, but the pronunciation in Cantonese escaped me. Vaguely I remembered yao or you, Mandarin. My handy Cantonese dictionary does not have that character, the smaller dictionary on my bed was as deficient in that regard, and larger dictionaries on the shelf only give Northern pronunciations.

('yiu'): Kiln, oven. Colloqually: brothel.

Okay ..... darn good thing I didn't stop someone on the street for that; it is doubtful that they would have understood that this particular Caucasian was interested in pottery, rather than singing girls. We kwailos have a reputation for being fixated on coarser things. Cheese burgers, bad beer, and the easiest way to catch venereal diseases.

That's why in Hong Kong all the Australians hang out in Lan Kwai Fong (蘭桂坊). Which is also where more white people get arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct than anywhere else in Asia outside Thailand

For the record, I have never been to Thailand, and have no interest whatsoever in ever going there. Although I do appreciate their cuisine.
I have no desire to associate with sexually deviant expats.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Vinny said...

Dear Mr. Hill,

I have admired your highly literate style for years, ever since you first started blogging in 2005. Although I haven't commented, I have been a loyal following of your tales of up and down, Chinatown, food, Savage Kitten, and all the fascinating window that this blog has opened up into your world.

Having said that, I would really appreciate if you could do an educational post on this question of style: should pronouns referring to the Divinity be capitalized? These people say no, but I would really value your longwinded opinion. In a full post. Thanks so much.

Vinny said...

Some time over the weekend, maybe? Or perhaps next week? Please?

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