Tuesday, May 19, 2020


Sometime several decades ago a glib smart-aleck salesman probably swaggered into the offices of a well-known company that made gear for outdoorsmen, and said "boys, what you need is a pipe that will suit your customers!" And he showed models, and was such a bright convincing chappie, that they loved the idea. Which is why I now own one of those pipes, without knowing which company actually made the thing.

I suspect it was Kaywoodie. Their type of wood-dye, plus the stamping "imported briar". Good smoker.

Very outdoorsy. Perfect for a brash young fellow like myself.

I had it with me as I stumbled uphill this morning for the first smoke of the day, my right leg determined to prove that middle-age is nothing to sneeze at. Yesterday someone asked me when they were going to operate on that limb, and seeing as a painful foot-knee-hip combo is not, strictly speaking, an emergency, I don't know when. Or even if.
Maybe I just need to walk more.

It's not stiff, just a pain in the .....

Having reached Larkin Street, I walked several more blocks. If it weren't for the need to smoke outside, I might not get any exercise. I've made it a habit of walking while smoking, seeing as I cannot smoke in my own apartment, because I share it with someone.

All in all, I'm damned glad that the local alcoholics and methamphetamine freaks don't do the same.

Heading over the hill to Chinatown in a short while, as there are matters I must attend to. Plus I"m hoping to pick up some snackies. Maybe cheung fan (腸粉 steamed rice noodle roll), wortip (鍋貼 potstickers), or even siu mai (燒賣). But given the current situation, it's a crap-shoot, and I'll take whatever I can find.

Of course I'll have a pipe with me.

Far fewer people about than normal.
Shouldn't prove objectionable.
And it's a sunny day.


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