Thursday, May 07, 2020


It's a damned good thing I do not have a cell-phone, and everybody knows that. Otherwise my friends would insist that I send them pictures of the bathroom as well as selfies. The bathroom looks like a mess. Today was the day I finally cut the Gordian knot, so to speak, and grabbed the bull by the horns. Which had to happen, as it inevitably will for most men.

I cut my own hair.

The good news is that I still look human. Though perhaps not the type of human you want to be seen with. It feels a lot better than it looks.

If you hear loud screaming this evening that will be my apartment mate coming home to find she's got a street person living with her.

And I should point out that both of us are obsessive compulsive .....

REPEAT: I do not have a cellphone. My apartment mate does not have a cellphone that is photo-capable (she does have a cellphone, because her siblings insisted). There is no cellphone that can take selfies ANYWHERE in the apartment. Maybe my neighbors have cellphones. I will not ask them. There is no way I could lay my hands on a cellphone even if I wanted to. There will NOT be a cellphone here anytime soon.
There will be no selfies.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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