Wednesday, January 08, 2020


One of the questions I ask random callers trying to get money out of me OR get access to my credit card files as well as my computer is "what are you wearing?" Conversations usually go directly south from there, ending with me calling them a bhainchote, and putting down the telephone.

For years I did commercial collections work. The phone is MY domain.
You call, you volunteer. You are a guinea pig.

I am wearing pajama pants, an advertising tee-shirt for a cigar brand, and a dirty grey flannel bathrobe.

What are you wearing?

An internet friend asked the same question, and got answers. Which, if you have a certain personality, are fascinating.

"The weight of the world on my shou...oh. Blue shirt with a button/down collar and grey flannels."

"Orchid paisley tshirt, black velvet skirt, and wellies. Soon to switch boots for a couch and hizzy blanket and fog of sleep."

"Soft, comfortable, reasonably modest clothes appropriate for work, home."

"Shoes and indoor."

"A hospital gown."

"Today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside."

"Red hoody over my grey dress sweatpants."


You will note that lace undies, a superman costume, or a snazzy catgirl outfit, are NOT mentioned. Sadly. This blogger would love for strangers to wander around downtown dressed like that, as if they had forgotten that they had to go to the office today. Along with other seasonally inappropriate clothes.

Obviously if I left the house in the dirty grey bathrobe a substantial purse or backpack would be needed. Bathrobe pockets are not large enough for two pipes, a tobacco pouch, pipe cleaners, matches, and a tamper. Such as the normal person would have secreted somewhere in his or her clothing.
And there is no backpocket for the wallet either.

Equally obviously, I seldom, rarely, almost never get social calls. My friends largely do not know my number, and there is no person of the opposite gender, curious or inquisitive about my sartorial decisions.
If there were, I'd probably dress better.
And wash my bathrobe.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Frau Doktor W said...

Hufflepuff pajamas and Hello Kitty house slippers.

Gummy Boy said...


Not Patrick said...

Something green.

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