Saturday, January 25, 2020


Chinese New Year started a few hours early yesterday. The restaurant on Stockton Street where I wanted to have lunch was closed, not reopening till the twenty seventh. Many shops were shutting early, some already shuttered by tea time. And there were explosions.

In my neighborhood some Chinese dingbat was setting off things that sounded like heavy artillery. And I say Chinese dingbat, because even though there are tonnes of white dingbats here, and a few black dingbats, and perhaps a Mexican, only a Chinese dingbat would cause that racket.
It was altogether frightfully irritating.
Too close, and too loud.

Conclusion: evil spirits have Asperger's syndrome. Why else would loud explosions chase them away? This blogger wishes to express profound sympathy with the evil spirits. The next few weeks are going to be hell.


Lunch was different than I planned. Two chicken buns and a spring roll. After a suitable interval a small snack ('lo po bing') and a hot beverage ('yat pui gong sik naai chaa'). All over C'town people were rushing home, here and there offerings were being burnt along the curbs. Darkness falls soon after five, still, but it's not as cold as it had been. Spring is coming.

Chicken buns are very tasty. Just add a little bit of soy sauce. And some chilipaste, for luck. Because it's red. Festive. Good colour! Trust me.


Have a happy and prosperous new year.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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