Friday, January 03, 2020


So far, Russia, Turkey, and the Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament have all condemned the strike which killed Persian Satrap Qasem Soleimani. Which was to be expected. Russia is headed by a mobster, the Turks are not our friends, and as for Iraqi politicians, so many of them have been buggered by their family members that they are mentally unstable.

Protesters outraged over the death of Soleimani have taken to the streets in Iraqi and Iranian cities, screaming the usual Arab and Persian obscenities.

A number of right-thinking Europeans are also critical, fearing that Iranian responses might endanger their countries and their citizens, because insane mullahs and the rabble can't tell the difference between one group of McDonalds snarfing foreigners and another.

They aver that it was unfair of the United States to endanger them.


Several of our allies, and many foreign politicians, appear to be okay with all of this. Qasem Soleimani had it coming.

Besides, almost all players in the Middle East, including many from countries allegedly on our side, are expendable.

Everything south of the Bosporus.

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