Friday, January 03, 2020


Courtesy of a person married to a Presbyterian minister comes the following meme, which originated deep in the bowels of the internet, and which speaks to me on many levels:

Unsuspecting Catholic: "Is this a mortal sin or just a venial sin? Is it a mortal sin to be okay with doing a venial sin? What if I die tomorrow?"
Martin Luther, stepping out from the shadows: "It’s all mortal sin."
Catholic: "All bad deeds are mortal sins?"
Martin Luther: "Bad deeds, good deeds."
Catholic: "Good deeds are mortal sins?"
Martin Luther: "No time to explain. it’s not safe here.  I –  "
John Calvin: -- descends shrieking from the ceiling --

A few months ago I was the unwilling listener to two Californians discussing religion and spirituality, one of whom adhered to the sweat lodge ceremonial tobacco use medicine man school of thinking, the other being into earth spirits native Pacific Islanders and objects of power.

Not to disrespect their deeply held beliefs, because they are both nice guys, but in many ways they were both repulsively batshit crazy.

The meme above expresses everything you need to know.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Stevie said...

Why, oh why do you keep ignoring me? I like this blog, and I'd want you to pay some attention to me, and not delete my comments.

Lady Ignatia J. Reilly said...

This is why it all went wrong at the Reformation.

The back of the hill said...

The idea of John Calvin descending shrieking from ceilings is appealing. It paints a picture.

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