Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Years ago the bookseller and myself would, on our ways home at night after visiting low dives, stop at a shop window where there was a poster of Andy Lau looking soulful next to a poem. We'd recite the poem. And giggle.
It was something sweet and romantic, yet "off".
Flowers. So beautiful.

[We don't do that anymore because his route has changed. We still frequent low dives, however.] 

Which, I suspect, is much like spam bots visiting my blog and trying to seed the comments field. The second part of their programming would be, after a suitable interval, to scour the internet for the exact phrase they tried to post, complete with misspellings and wrong characters. Then mark that comment field in their head as 'promising'. Let's see if we can put viagra or real-estate ads there. Later variations of that comment would be modified, to escape detection by Microsoft and Google, which compile lists of the seeds they plant, but would still be a recognizable form of the original.

If it worked, data would be shared with other spammers.

The first step daily, if one has a blog, is to look at the comments awaiting approval. Dump the suspect comments in the trash, which sends them to the compilers of garbage lists for future flagging OR alerts one's own computer somehow that the phrase in question is suspect.
I'm not sure about the details.

They are programmed to victimize a comment field.
The first one that they see.
My letterbox.


The phrases are all off and mostly not relevant to the post underneath which they'd be appended. Sometimes quite berserk. And here, they often show up in my letterbox (see below), which you will note is a dedicated comment field that exists purely for contacting me or saying something you don't necessarily wish other readers to see.

Use the letterbox to send me a message.

Stuff like (purely hypothetical examples): "Your fly was open at the coffee shop yesterday", "take me now, you hot stud", "Trump is a traitor", or "I've joined Scientology and don't appreciate you're sneers anent the one true religion". As just for instances.

"My hovercraft is full of eels."

I don't know. Maybe you do want to bang me. Or you're painfully shy.
And prefer other readers not to see spelling errors.
You write everything in Cyrillic.
Hamsters inspire you.


Stating that the post 'My letterbox' has shared important knowledge and all the other readers are contributing valuable insights in the comment string, when there is, in fact, zip diddly there, is ridiculous. Asking that I write more on the subject of 'My letterbox' because, somehow, it seems a little lacking in detail is also transparent, as is praise for how nicely 'My letterbox is written. Informing me that the embedded pictures and videos are extremely informative? It's 'My letterbox', there are no pictures and videos there. Telling me that everything is loading slow? Yeah, no.
Asking how you may contact me?
See 'My letterbox'.

"It's unquestionably stylish!"

Here, for the programmers responsible for all that shite, who are probably Russian or Indian, and paid by not being whipped, is a helpful video.


[SOURCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc6IOieGuig&feature=share.]

Feel free to post your comments ('My letterbox'). I find this video inspiring. In both Malay and Indonesian, and several other related languages, the term 'bunga bunga' is the plural of 'flower' (bunga).
So Andy Lau's poem, which I referenced above, would start thusly:
"bunga bunga itu, yang paling indah".
Bunga bunga. Letterbox.

I am not sure what 'bunga bunga' means in your language, whichever one that might be. If it means something else, do please let me know.

The letterbox is so beautiful ...

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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