Sunday, May 12, 2019


Many people spent today thinking about their mother (it being M-day), or Game of Thrones, or the playoffs. A coworker was thinking of his wife and the mother of his offspring -- he left early to buy her flowers and take her out to dinner, which was very sweet of him -- and one of the regulars lurked in the backroom for the game, getting away from stuff like that.
He seemed it a bit down. I didn't ask.

I spent all day, more or less, thinking of side effects.
A very long list of described possible problems.
One of which I am conscious of not having.

Possibly because nicotine is a vaso-constrictor. Therapeutic in this case.
That's a theory I shall NOT mention to my doctor.

One of which is a pain in the back-end, in a manner of speaking. Not major, really, but enough of a literal pain as to make me wonder whether dosages can be lessened on one with a balanced increased of another.
An extreme screaming in a shoulderblade.
Not. Quite. Crippling.

Either one constantly keeps heading forward, pushing oneself, and there will be improvement. Or one passively becomes a vegetable, bleating piteously at bus-stops, cursing the weather, one's fate, and why is everything so loud, or bright, or cold, or bad-smelling.

San Francisco is filled with the latter type. And I already spend enough time whining about the beastly cold. In that regard I am positively English.
So the stagnating part has scant appeal.

Besides, I do not have a talent for sitting still or alcoholism.

As Bill Clinton says, "we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom!"

If you stop moving, the enemy shoots you from behind the trees.


Oh, and bugger game of Thrones.
You are all very silly.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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