Saturday, May 11, 2019


In tomorrow's episode of Game of Thrones, Daenerys Targaryen teams up with Detective Pikachu to defeat Donald Trump and destroy the Death Star. All with lots of special effects and electricity. And you would gladly watch this, and explain it all to your mother, who was born long before CGI and cell-phones. She'll think you're gibbering, but loves you anyway.

Then you'll give her a nice bouquet of raw beef steaks.

Mmm, yeah, so all my social networks have been invaded by advertising.
To the extent that, in all honesty, reality has a few odd accents.
Fatty meats. Booze. Movies.

There are natural product tie-ins.

Not enjoyed by Slytherin

I myself do not intend to watch any of this crap, but I sort of applaud all of you who are willing to take one for the team. My own mother passed away years ago, but her birthday is coming up soon, so I will be thinking of her anyhow. I have no idea what she would have made of the modern era, but she was a Sci-Fi author, so she probably would have taken it all in stride. While criticizing the plot lines and character development as being extremely childish and altogether rather silly.

Gryffin D'Or

As well as any pipe tobacco featuring a sparky hamster on the label.
Which, honestly, is also rather silly.


It's actually a pretty damned fine product, and altogether quite unsuitable for anyone watching television tomorrow evening, nor recommended for viewers at modern movie theatres. Kind of old school.

If I finally have a smoke, after over three weeks of hacking and wheezing, it will be outdoors, because my apartment mate is not into tobacco, and will probably be watching women on teevee acting like vulgar trollops.
Real white Housewives of wherever.

Should there be any pet dragons or small fuzz balls in my neighborhood after dusk, their owners seriously need to pick up after them.
Street people can't see pavement well in the dark.

Happy Mothers Day.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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