Saturday, December 22, 2018


A few years ago an Israeli of my ken asserted that I spent more time ranting about Israel and Bibi Netanyahu than anybody or any thing else.
Not true, Jonathan, not true at all. Because of the Republicans who took over the local grass roots organizations, I largely ignore Israel. Like you, they voted for Trump. Plus they dress funny, eat too much, and smell bad.
I am glad that Bob, Bob, and Masha aren't in the same foxhole.
Because if they were, I'd use pepper spray on them.

Another reader asserted a long while back that I seemed to mostly write about pipes, tobacco, and badgers. A more accurate statement. Which reminds me that I need to update the index of pipe-related posts.

A few others complain that this blog is filled with herring or underwear.
Altogether less than a dozen essays, but their reading skills are poor.
Plus they are mostly Israeli or Republican anti-smokers.
And very likely voted wrong.

Stück Dreck #1

Come to think of it, that pepper spray would make Republicans and rabid anti-smokers smell better.

But enough of that; Happy Holidays!

As we get closer to Xmas, thoughts of venison and elf-abuse fill my head.
Along with hanging Bing Crosby in effigy, setting fire to plastic decorations, complimenting complete strangers on their finely tuned greed, and locking up fat men in red suits. Plus anybody singing Christmas carols.
Insane asylum, 72 hour observation, electro-shock.

Nothing says Christmas better than drunk driving, frenzied mobs at the mall, rusty iron reindeer on the lawn, and two solid weeks of sugar.

I am filled with sweetness and light.

By the way: Anyone smoking Sutliff's Pumpkin Spice tobacco is a ruddy pervert who should be shot. Killing cute little puppies is more humane and less damaging to the ozone layer, and their adult kin will chain them up in the basement and use iron rods to chastise them.

Degenerate damned Nazis.

JimInks disagrees.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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