Monday, December 03, 2018


Around the corner from where Cantonese parents drop off their kiddies for enlightening daycare which will give them a foot up in grammar school, there are three doorways. This morning voices were coming from two of them. One being a gentleman discussing matters of great import (with himself) while with energetically gesticulating, the other being from a bearded head sticking out of a sleeping bag in another doorway.
The tykes are cheerful and cute as the dickens.
The insane people not so much.

The insane people are, of course, Caucasian. Here in San Francisco we are the beneficiaries of the rest of the country giving all their less than reality-success-blessed brethren one way bus tickets in the hope that we can do something with them.

These folks aren't evil, unlike their kin that discarded them.
It's just that their hard drives melted.
Defective wiring.

I vastly prefer watching the little kiddies running around under their parents watchful view in front of childcare to warily keeping an eye peeled behind me while waiting for the bus. It's far better for my peace of mind.

Chinese kiddies of that age are small and cute and clean.
Adult crazy people often fail on all of those points.

Sometimes it's purely for lack of effort.

We also have drugs in this city.
There's evidence of that.
Wiring issues.

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