Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Paraphrasing an important commentator, currently part of the United States Government and fairly high up: "It should be absolutely unacceptable that bureaucrats with ideological motivations have any control over America's food and drinking water, as it puts an unfair burden on the producer and reduces his profit from his labors. It is a hindrance to the American way of doing business. God-fearing Christians, additionally, will not need this, as the Good Lord has provided us with an abundance of wholesome substances, and only atheist Californians consume Romaine Lettuce or canned corn."
This is true. I myself never touch either of those two daemonic comestibles.
It is paradigmatic that you will not find Jesus in a can of corn.
Whether you will find him in Iowa is doubtful.

Likewise, I would argue that a true Christian should not accept vaccination, as, if the good lord wants your brood to survive and become productive members of society, HE will provide a means.

Food safety, clean drinking water, and medical advice should ALL be divinely inspired.

Also understand that rabies and tetanus do not exist.

The lizard lords lied to you.

Starvation is good.


By the way: corn is Mexican.
Corndogs are Satanic.
That shape!

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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