Monday, December 10, 2018


The world has become surprisingly bizarre. Four nations at a international conference in Poland will be promoting fossil fuels as the safe alternative to clean energy, the United States President (slug with stumpy fingers) sends out hatred laden tweets regarding a man he fired, Russian policeman excels at women-slaughter (surpassing two other Russians), and a friend of Jared Kushner has a journalist whacked inside a consulate, then liquefied with acid.
Germany's most respected bank gets uncovered as a money-laundering operation for the Russian mob and Trump's real-estate scams.

I would exclaim "what is the world coming to?", but that seems kinda pointless right now.

Especially as the Irish immigrant turned super American patriot MAGA-ite who infest the lounge has been reduced to whining about a Democratic congress woman, parroting his Fuhrer, the stubby fingered potato.
Which is pathetic. And amusing.

Trumpites are the best people. With the biggest brains.
And superior vocabularies.

Ivanka should have chosen an other father, and married a different weasel.

Except for Russian operatives, the Republican Part is dead.

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