Monday, December 17, 2018


In an irony of history, the device was named after an opponent of the death penalty who simply advocated for a less painful way to execute criminals.
And it is, arguably, extremely efficient, and very modern.
A clean cut separating the head from the body.
And considered egalitarian.

As a nod to the equality which we idealize, and seldom actually practice, it would be a sweet, even lovely gesture to bring back the guillotine.

Appropriate, too, given present circumstances.
The weight of the blade allows it to go through bone, the sharpness smoothly cuts through hard waxy fat, and because of its even and lubricated descent it removes the need for a strong man to exhaust himself, get splattered, and possibly have a repetitive stress injury.

An immediate and humane death, minimally damaging to the subject.

Can easily be installed in government buildings.

Clean, efficient, and modern.

Not pictured: Paul Ryan, Elaine Chao, Rudy Giuliani.

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