Monday, October 16, 2017


Like many members of the Republican Party, the president's choice for drug czar, congressman Tom Marino, seems to be an ethically crippled money-grubbing cretin. Remarkably, that describes almost everyone Trump knows.

Money makes the (Washington) world go around, and in 2016 a lot of money was behind a push by drug companies to weaken the DEA's ability to limit the illegal distribution of painkillers in the US.
Despite objections of those on the frontlines of the drug-abuse epidemic, big money carried the day. It often does - particularly when it works in the shadows, behind banners like "deregulation" or "business-friendly" law-making. 
End quote.

That's an opinion by Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter.

Pennsylvania congressman Tom Marino pushed a bill that reportedly stripped a government agency of the ability to freeze suspicious painkiller shipments.
End quote.


I say "seems" because I don't want the ethically crippled money-grubbing cretin to have reason to sue me. That verb frames the statement as an opinion, and thus constitutionally protected speech.
Putting that question mark in the title serves the same purpose.
What I think of Trump and his friends is quite unprintable.
This is a family blog, I am trying to keep it clean.


I have to disagree, respectfully, with Newt Gingrich, who opined that Trump was "strong" in his joint press event with Mitch McConnell, and that his grasp of issues was deep and growing.

Newt, my man, are you out of your freaking mind?!? How dumb you think we are, you hopeless piece of moist dog poo?!? The man's a self-absorbed moron, with a bunch of pandering Republican kiss-butts trying to get theirs before the whole corpse feeding frenzy finally goes nuclear in a ghastly orgy of mutual sabotage, hand jobs, arrests, backstabbing, and blackmail.

I don't know who is worse, Trump for having dementia and an ego so bloated it poisons the air around him for several hundred yards, or Mitch for being venomous, slimy, vicious, and so effing repulsive that the only reason his vampire bitch wife still lives with him is because she has a fetish for wrinkled old decomposing white-ass zombies.

Newtie-poo, you're a cannibal.
As well as a dung-beetle.

I say this with love.

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