Monday, October 30, 2017


There was sports on teevee at work yesterday, I could hear the tell-tale sounds. The boys in the lounge love sports. Like almost all cigar smokers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Sometimes having a raucous bunch of hooting boys elsewhere in the building can prove distracting.
When there are more important things.
And, given that the hometown team consists of a bunch of losers, there are always more important things. I guess you guys won't be tipping over any buses this year, huh?

Oh wait, that was Giants fans back in 2012.
Same difference.

In all honesty, I didn't find out that the Forty Niners lost till today. And by such a huge margin, too! They must really suck at this game.

Why don't you try to drown your sorrows in bad beer? Budweiser, Coors, Michelob, and Miller are customarily enjoyed by all true San Franciscans when weeping over sports, I believe, and really help digest the soggy-crusted delivery pizza that is traditional for such events.
Mmmm, soggy-crusted pizza!
Salt, and grease!

Plus ham and pineapple, of course, so that even the vegetarians are happy. Or whoever that weird guy from the office is who keeps wearing a pungent cologne to hide the fact that his lucky jersey hasn't been laundered. Ever.

Pretzels are standard, and party mix (heavy emphasis on the cheesy puffties), sour cream and onion chips, ranch dip, ten bean chili, your wife's famous tofu brickle, and bacon burgers fried in butter at half-time.

All of that isn't going to happen this year.
I commiserate you.

Budweiser, Coors, Michelob, and Miller!


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