Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Naturally I followed a link to an article on Jezebel. Which gave me some interesting reading, that, as a typical man, had me halfway between "ho-hum" and "get bent".
The gist of the article is that men are pigs. Men who object to the characterization that men are pigs are pigs. Men who kind of sort of sympathize with whatever point a women is making but then say something are pigs. And men who are not paying attention to the writer and all the women who agree with her are pigs.
All men are pigs.


Missing the Point of Sexual Harassment Stories by a Mile, Scared Men Are Now Wary Of Being Alone With Women 

[SOURCE: Harvey Weinstein sex story rant.]

The title is a hoot. And yes, I do know a few women who would agree with that premise, and get all righteously indignant. Such as the author and several commenters.

"Men fear being accused of sexual harassment, because it would ruin their lives. Just take this quote from orthopedic surgeon Dr. Mukund Komanduri, who avoids women at work:
I’m very cautious about it because my livelihood is on the line,” he said. “If someone in your hospital says you had inappropriate contact with this woman, you get suspended for an investigation, and your life is over. Does that ever leave you?
Boo freaking hoo. You know what else doesn’t leave you? Being held back in your career because your manager is too scared to make eye contact with you because he’s afraid you’re gonna tell some story about how he harassed you. Or he might feel compelled to grab your boobies, and then he’d lose his job!"
End quote.

------Aimée Lutkin, Contributing writer at Jezebel.

The righteous reactions

"Take your tone deaf “but it’s so hard to be man” shit somewhere else."

"So you and your male friends are gonna have to grow up, be adults, and learn how to interact with other human beings—yes, THE FEMALE ONES TOO."

"I have a plan involving us relocating all the men to islands and just dropping off supplies via plane to keep that shit humane, but I worry that even without the men, women have internalized the lie that we are less valuable too much. Plus, then there won’t be any islands left for us."

"May you always have the confidence of a mediocre white man."

"My gut feeling is that many of these men are guilty of harassment themselves and are now panicking at the idea that they’re about to get busted."

"I think a lot of guys are just genuinely clueless as to where “the line” is and are terrified they’re going to cross it because they don’t know any better, and their privilege allows them to be lazy enough to not educate themselves."

"There are a lot of men having this reaction because they don’t want to re-examine how they behave with women. They’re not the problem, the rest of the world is."

Ladies, I get it. You are hurt and angry. Oh!
Please have some chamomile tea.
And breathe deeply

You should know that eyes are glazing over, in the same manner as when cigar smokers talk about politics, or damned well anybody discusses sports. In fact, the only way I can stay awake when that happens is by mentioning those tight masculine buns covered in colourful arse-hugging shiny fabric, butchly pounding down the field.
Precisely like yoga pants.
Pig skin.

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