Thursday, April 26, 2012


When I left the office yesterday, a young woman was signing in her guest at security.
He had brought her a six pack of beer.

She was a bright pink-faced girl wearing a lovely pale blue summer frock, and, amazingly, the six pack of beer perfectly matched the hue of her dress.
Great combo. Pink and blue.
Very romantic.

I must confess, I never thought of courting a woman with suds.
But seeing how happy she was that her young man was visiting her at work, perhaps I should have.
I'm rather unimaginative in that regard. You know, flowers, good chocolates, a sumptuous array of dimsum.
A nice book, perhaps, or a brand new scarf that feels soft against the skin.
Warm cups of milky tea, and a plate of cookies.
Didn't consider bottles of beer.
Or even pizza.

Nothing says affection to ladies as well as cheese pie and alcoholic beverages.
I'll have to remember that; many relationships begin with these.
It's useful data that I might need someday.
Just in case of 'romance'.

Flowers, nice chocolates, snackiepoos?
Silky softness against the skin?
Hot tea and cookies?

Totally unimaginative!
Gotta grow up.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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