Thursday, April 19, 2012


Here it is, nearly two weeks later, and I wake up with the words in my head.

Chad gadya, chad gadya.
Dizvan abah bitrei zuzei,
Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Chad gadya, chad gadya.
Ve'ata shunra, ve'achla legadya;
Dizvan abah bitrei zuzei,
Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Chad gadya, chad gadya.
Ve'ata chalba, venashach leshunra;
De'achla legadya,
Dizvan abah bitrei zuzei;
Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Chad gadya, chad gadya.
Ve'ata chutra, vehikah lechalba;
Denashach leshunra,
De'achla legadya;
Dizvan abah bitrei zuzei,
Chad gadya, chad gadya.

Ve ceterot le nauseum......

I am very fond of goat curry.
Not so much of repetitive songs about goats.

One little goat. With chilies, ground coriander seed, a bit of toasted cumin, turmeric, garlic, galangal, ginger, onion, coconut milk, star anise, black pepper, fennel, stick cinnamon, cardamom pods. No cloves. 
Braise, seethe, and simmer. Garnish with cilantro and spring onion.
Serve with cut lime on the side to squeeze, plus a bowl of fresh sambal.
Crusty French bread for dipping, as well as boiled rice, and some serundeng.

Enough for two people.
Candle light. Polished crystal.
Sparkling tableware, and fine sherry.

It's tender and delicious.
Bon appétit.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

such is passover at the mervishes.

Tzipporah said...

Damn. Now I'm hungry.

Did I tell you that we had an amazing braised goat leg for New Year's? A friend who's a sommelier made dozens of slits and filled them with garlic and rosemary, then basted it with wine for about about 5 hours. It was especially delicious knowing that it was from a goat he had helped butcher b/c it was a real son of a bitch, with a penchant for attacking its owners. Yum.

The back of the hill said...

That sounds absolutely scrumptious!

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