Saturday, July 09, 2022


Found out yesterday that there are such things as strawberry flavored cigars, gorhelpus. Mm, yeah, okay, as a society we're just about done. As you know, I am exceedingly tolerant, and have not bashed in any brains yet, despite the overwhelming evidence that doing so would improve life around me immeasurably. But if someone lit up one of those things in my vicinity I would be awfully tempted. I have a stick.

A few years ago several jurisdictions banned flavoured tobacco products because they appealed to children and black people.

[Menthol cigarettes are smoked more by African Americans than other groups, but by getting the Black Health bodies on board and featuring black doctors as contra-tobacco advocates they avoided being accused of telling adult African Americans that they weren't fit to make their own unhealthy decisions.]

Menthol cigarettes, infused cigars, aromatic pipe tobaccos, chew, snus, snuff.

Multitudes of desperate little tykes now cluster forlornly outside many tobacconists, imploring passing strangers to go in and buy them a tin of 'Molto Dolce'. Here's my allowance!

[MOLTO DOLCE: Black Cavendish, Burley, Virginia. Assertively flavoured with caramel, honey, and vanilla. A tobacco preferred by all right bastards who live in their mothers' basements, people with more piercings and tattoos than good sense, highly perverse school teachers (probably phys. ed.), and hordes of juvenile delinquents with spotty attendance records. Plus kindergarteners.]

A concerned internet acquaintance of dubious morals begs to inform me that strawberry pipe tobacco is available. He's concerned lest I do without, and anxious to keep me "happy".

Sutliff Strawberry Delight

If you like strawberry shortcake, you'll love Sutliff Strawberry Delight! This is a superb combination of gentle Burley, zesty Virginia and silky black Cavendish flavored a bold splash of strawberry flavor that's softened with hints of smooth chocolate, the brown sugar and huts flavor of praline, and some warm vanilla. For all fans of the early summer fruit, Sutliff Strawberry Delight is going to make your day.

Source link: Pipes & Cigars -- Strawberry

Good frigging Christ on a clyster!

It appears not to been discussed on TobaccoReviews.Com yet, but searching for the word "strawberry" there I found SEVERAL things which, allegedly, are meant for the pipe.
If this kind of stuff reminds you of your grandfather, I hope he's dead.

We did not win the war by smoking crap like this.
Tastes terrible, but it's smooth and mild.
And refreshingly addictive!

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