Saturday, July 23, 2022


As I understand it, some of you are gaily disporting yourselves naked in fountains because of the heat, in hot tropic metropoles like Paris and London. Meanwhile, I just came in after a post-prandial pipe (aged Virginias, Perique), for which I had to put on a warm garment and a coat. Its 53 degrees Fahrenheit (11°C) and foggy. There are no naked people about. Wet or otherwise. That is far from disappointing, as nudity in this weather would be unhealthy.
We delight in the absence of a public sweaty reek.
Here in San Francisco.

Dinner was Chicken Tikka Masala, with two strips of bacon and generous dollops of two kinds of hot sauce. And rice. Washed down by strong coffee. Perfect for this weather.

For some reason, Facebook is filled with animals enjoying bodies of water.

Must be advertising the wetness elswhere.
While we have a drought going on.
No rain in ages.

This morning, when I headed to the bus stop on my way to work, I passed a gentleman with his pants around his ankles. I think he must have been channeling for an Englishman dealing with the weather there. Remarkable, because it was still cold and foggy, but I wish him well and a speedy return to wherever he came from. Where it's probably warmer than here.

I can feel my winter coat growing.
There's fur in strange places.
Between my toes.

Should be mid-sixties tomorrow.
It's a veritable heat wave.
Oh, the humanity!

All those people having heat in London and Paris need a break. They should go to Hong Kong or Mumbai. Enjoy some nice soothing typhoons or monsoon downpours.
It's good the soul. And there is no bus stop nudity there.
Or so I am told.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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