Tuesday, July 12, 2022


Latinos are not like tacos. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are not like sushi or egg rolls. African Americans are not like Louisiana hot links. Whites are not like tuna salad on wonderbread. Jill Biden is not like running her analogies past eagle-eyed proofreaders.

"The diversity of this community, as distinct as the bogedas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio, is your strength."
-------First Lady Jill Biden, July 11 2022

Yeah, um. Please sit down, ma'am.

Should we guess what you had for breakfast after landing?
And what on earth is a Bronx bogeda?
Is it edible?
For the purposes of this discussion we'll just assume that German Americans are indeed like curry-wurst, exactly, but that's the only exception to our rejection of dingo analogies and comparisons. Curry-wurst would be great in a breakfast taco.

And probably stupendous with some Sriracha.
As well as thinly sliced jalapeño.
Major Grey's chutney.

Darn it, I'm hungry.
Thanks a lot, Jill.

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