Tuesday, October 13, 2020


A good Christian woman posted a video in a Facebook group devoted entirely to a food and food culture. It was a religious video. Many members are not of her heretical sect.

The admins had earlier noted the following:

Dear Members

This is to remind you all that this is strictly a recipe group.
All posts have to be recipes AND NOT the following:
a) Photographs without the recipes of your just cooked meal that you are proud of and want to share with everyone. 
b) Quizzes asking people to guess what you have on your stove/table or what you plan to cook on your special day of the year 
c) Music videos and watch parties of your band (or your favourite band) or choir
d) The proceedings of a place of worship that you feel everyone on this group will fall on a bended knee for
e) Your own or your favourite YouTube channel that you are dying to have more subscribers for. We infer that this is business promotion.
f) Your own (or your friend's) Facebook page that you think should have more likes than it already has 
g) Cleverly disguised posts to promote your business
h) Profanity, racial, sexual discrimination or disrespect to another member in posts or in replies to posts
i) links to anything outside this group which includes links to your website or food blog

However, denouncing administrators or moderators for removing your favourite contributor or post for breaking the rules of the group is treated as free speech. We delete such posts at the end of the week or if they are reported prior to the weekly deadline by other members.

If you feel that a post didn't really infringe on the rules above but was still removed, you may contact the administrator or the moderator who will revaluate the earlier decision. Those posts deleted by mistake may be restored.

We are thrilled when you contribute to this awesome group.

Posts that have no association with a recipe or food shall invite a permanent ban from this group. You won't be able to find this group on Facebook forever. 

Food posts with links to external recipe videos and other external recipe content may force us to put you on an approval process before you will see your posts on this group.

These are good rules, not only for food groups on Facebook but also for life in general. The chances are that neither I nor anyone else is a member of your heretical sect of Jayzus idolators, or likely to convert. We aren't interested in your witchcraft superstition.

That holds not only for Christianity, but other religions: Veganism, anti-smoking, anti-vax, gunnutism, or the Texan inbred belief that masks are a sign of the devil.

And of course it goes without saying that if you believe Trump was divinely chosen, protected, ordained, or blessed, you are beyond salvation and should kill your miserable self to save the rest of us that effort. In three weeks we'll probably have our hands full.

This post is for Mary Y who lives on Waverly Road.
Certifiably an idiot. Likely a troll.
And a Christian.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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