My cousin is a grandmother now.
Which makes me a grand-relative, but I'm not sure what that would be. The "sprightly fossil record who lives in California"? The "crotchett once removed"? "Grand cousin Bongo"?
The one "unreconstructed relative who smokes"?
Uncle Stinko?
It is as yet unclear to me whose kid it is. My brilliant cousin has two offspring, both old enough to be parents, both in movies and well-regarded in their field. And the name of the kid has no clues to gender, although I assume that the 'O' ending indicates that it is male.
It looks more human than Winston Churchill.
My younger cousin's kids, who I met about four years ago, also look more human than Winston Churchill. And although we are very distantly related, none of my immediate kin resemble him.
I have a very low bar.
Uncle Stinko has had his afternoon tea. I will communicate further with my brilliant cousin tomorrow. I have no photos of people here to send.
In a few minutes I will head out to contemplatively smoke my pipe.
A written response requires careful thought.
Be interestingly informative.
But concise.
The mental processes are benefitted enormously by tobacco, especially flue-cured leaf. Considering what to say is probably a three pipe problem.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.
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