Saturday, October 17, 2020


The rise of political idiocy continues apace. The Netherlands, which follows American trends an average of five to ten years after the United States, has been infected.

Quote: "The Dutch state broadcaster has removed its logo from outside broadcast vans as politicians complained of a steep rise in threats and the national counter-terrorism agency warned of a heightened risk of far-right violence in the Netherlands."

Per NOS (the broadcaster): "Almost daily, journalists and technicians -- confronted with verbal abuse, garbage is thrown, vans are blocked [and] people bang on their sides or urinate on them".

Source: The Guardian (UK)

"Radicale onderstroom met extremistische gedragingen"

------Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg

So, for the record, as a liberal Dutch American who speaks, reads, and writes Dutch fluently and stukken beter dan menig Nederlander (despite coming from stock that has been in the United States for centuries, and being related to several presidents), let me recommend the complete dismantling of Pim Fortuyn's legacy, the outcasting of Geert Wilders ('n stuk schorem die zich beter in Polen of Mississippi zou thuis voelen), and publicly pissing on Thierry Baudet and his Dutch version of the Flemish Nationalists and salonfähige neo-nazis. Except for the first one, who is dead as a doornail, the other two should be put on no-fly lists.
Their thought-world is a scumfilled swamp.
Personae non gratae.

Alletwee van die Neerlandsche politici zijn ranzige vuilheid.
Pim Fortuyn is natuurlijk lang verrot.
Was ie al voor de dood.

Henk en Ingrid? De stereotype Nederlanders in het giftige rhetoriek van mijnheer Wilders? 
Ze kunnen de pot op.  Net zo walgelijk als de rechtse ballen hier.

Judging from everything I've read -- and that's an awful lot -- the Netherlands loopy rightwing fringe is sodden with racists (ahem, "ethnic nationalists", besides outright bigots) and completely infected with QAnon insanity. They're like American Republicans.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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