Sunday, April 07, 2019


Like everybody, I take my medical advice from random know-it-alls on a daily basis. Because you just can't pay for that kind of life experience. This in connection with serious input from people who entirely unbeknownst to me have diagnosed my health issues precisely, and "really" possess so much more wisdom and medical science that they are just burbling over with helpful suggestions and authoritative facts.

Either that or they want to kill me.

Special diets! Avoid red meat, gluten, carrots, corn, soy, and gmos.
Instead: cucumbers, kale, beets, organic apple cider vinegar.
Native American tobacco ceremonies, and burning sage.

Modern fabrics give you cancer.

Not only am I still upset at all the unwanted medical advice I received last week, but a few people have added to that by their dingbat theories, which, if taken seriously, might cause some real damage. Why is it that so many people who have not a shred of medical expertise feel obligated to lay their supertstitious suburban voodoo on people?

Screw sage, gluten-free, organic, macrobiotic, paleo, and buggery apple cider vinegar. The reason why you folks aren't dead yet is A) you were vaccinated as kids, and B) you are incredibly and undeservedly lucky.

If neither I nor any rational one else would take style, investment, car buying, cigar, or culinary advice from you all, why should we even listen to your crackpot health advice? You're Gwyneth buggery Paltrow perhaps?
Vani the food-booby Hari?
Snake-oil Oz?

By the way: vaccines do NOT give you autism.
Or any kind of damaging inflammation.
There is NO conspiracy.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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