Friday, April 19, 2019


On a whim the other day I purchased a box of salted duck eggs on Stockton Street: 霸王鹹鴨蛋 ('baa wong haam ngaap daan'). They're already cooked, and simply need to be removed from their vacuum seal sleeve.
A convenience, as well as a luxury.

Yes indeed, not good for people with high blood pressure, but not nearly as salty as you would think. Had one sliced up with cooked asparagus, though it would have been better with a rasher of nearly crisp smoky bacon for accent. Perhaps on sourdough toast, the egg and bacon chopped or coarsely mashed together like an egg salad.
Plus some fresh ground pepper.

Probably not what the nutritionist I saw at Chinese Hospital would've considered part of better and healthier eating.

There were four eggs. Now there are three.

Eggs. They're good for Easter.

Look, everybody eats too many eggs at this time, so if the remaining eggs all get consumed before the end of the month, I'm still watching what I eat.

There's still part of a baguette in the fridge. Salted duck egg, slivered ham (maybe Ardenner), thick-sliced cucumber, a thin smear of melted butter, or ranch dressing, toasted baguette Vietnamese style ... plus cilantro and sliced Jalapeño. Bánh mì trứng muối. Plus Sriracha hot sauce.
The Easter breakfast of champions.

The name of these eggs are 霸王鹹鴨蛋 ('baa wong haam ngaap daan'). Literally, mighty king, tyrant, or despot salty duck egg. It is delicious.

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