Sunday, April 28, 2019


While going through some old stuff I discovered a letter to one of the few local Pro-Israel activists I still communicate with. For the sake of interested parties, I have pasted it below, with the necessary name changes so that I don't get sued by any of those nutballs.

The addressee had asked me why I had stopped being the voice of moderation. Which, even under the best of circumstances can be trying. When everyone else in the room is an angry pooh-throwing chimp, it is altogether pointless.


Begin cite:

"Birdie", "Weed", "Bug", "Harley Davidson", "Eastern Eurie A", and
"Eastern Eurie B" are incapable of intelligent discourse.
"Birdie" was often unable to think straight (or even think at all), and
seldom tolerated different opinions; "Weed" is so right-wing and out of
touch that it was hard being in the same room; "Bug" doesn't have a
brain in her body; "Harley Davidson" is an irrational Obama-hater with
paranoid conspiracy tendencies, "Eastern Eurie A" thinks that I am a
communist and evil;and "Eastern Eurie B" is a very nice blithering idiot.
What's amazing is that "Harley Davidson" and "Birdie" often see eye to eye,
for different reasons; "Weed" has her own agenda and is insufferable;
"Eastern Eurie A"despises democrats; "Eastern Eurie B" doesn't understand
subtlety, nuance, or gradations; and "Harley Davidson" is so rigidly
hatefilled about Obama and the democrats that it is impossible to stand on
the same side of the street with him without gagging. Add to that the
totally unaffiliated element -- not only "Bald Liability", "Male Stupid
New Yorker", and "Female Stupid New Yorker", but also the people like "Russian Newsletter Psycho" and "I never check my sources I just cut-and-paste into a newsletter Ding Batte", and others, and you end up with a
dysfunctional cluster of liabilities.

When "F" quit, the general reaction was "good riddance". After I
quit, "Birdie" basically told me to go fuck myself several different
times, "Bug" and "Ambulating Fire Hydrant" started shrieking about
how we need "Harley Davidson", we can't do anything without
"Harley Davidson", we've gotta have "Harley Davidson", "Weed" sent some
patronizing "there there little hamster" crap to the other list, and
"Eastern Eurie A" refused to even respond. "Eastern Eurie B", of
course, was sublimely oblivious to everything, and kept sending
non-germaine material.

Between "Birdie" and her camping, ego, and cats, and "Harley Davidson"
with his guns and anti-Democrat crusade (as well as his whining about
how 'Surby' in San Diego is just super groooooovy), there's no
working with the group as it currently exists.

Besides, I'm sure that all the people I've listed are just happy as
dingo that I'm no longer part of the group; they all get along so much
better and organize so much smoother without my cynicism,
sarcasm, and just wet-blanketism.

In any case, there hasn't been any peep from them suggesting 
anything different.

End cite.

The response before I clicked "de-subscribe" for the organizational e-mail list was "good riddance, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out."
Given that the person who sent that was one of the reasons for leaving, and has accomplished nothing but wreckage since then, that's kind of amusing.

Yeah, I have no communication with them anymore.
One of them has died since then.

As an after thought: In early 2017 I was informed that my input in a pro-Israel forum was reducing some Trumpite daughter of a holocaust survivor to tears. So I scrubbed my footprint, and removed myself.
But really, I shouldn't have done so.
Screw the old bag.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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