Thursday, March 21, 2019


One more day of this and I can finally have a real lunch. I have a day off tomorrow, so convenience store crap won't be on the menu. Nor will trying to convince the boys in the back that I am Mister Congeniality. Had to threaten one of them with a savage choking if he didn't concede the point. Which he finally did, gracefully, in a charming Russian Accent.

Congenial, jovial even. These define me.
As everyone of them agrees.
Or else.

Another one of them needed to be reminded of the time he foamed at the mouth over Obama's dastardly plan to wipe out White America by letting Ebola deplete the ranks. This was back in 2014, when Trump was still a desperate conman blowing Vladimir Putin for candy and spare change.
Rather than the world-class statesman he has since become.
Naturally he voted for the fellow.
Because Hillary.

Many of the folks in the back seem like they belong in the Piranha club.

It's very refreshing being exposed to solid Republican values like that.
Normally I wouldn't come anywhere near these gentlemen, and wouldn't converse with them at all after the first time they opened their mouths.
In fact, I never even knew that there were such people in California.

One of these days I'm bringing a carton of eggs to work.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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