Thursday, March 28, 2019


New medication as of this morning, in addition to the smorgasbord of necessary pills I now take every day: Amlodipine Besylate. Which may have contributed negative aspects to the day. Left shoulder hurts like hell, where they gave me an injection yesterday (a vaccination). My coordination is off, so I'm bleeding like a stuck pig from one of the fingers on my right hand (Clopidogrel, which I'm also taking, ensures that what should be minor becomes theatrically major, and takes hours or days to stop bleeding).
I feel somewhat sore all over. And my feet feel watery.

Among the POSSIBLE side effects of Amlodipine: Swelling of legs or ankles, Tiredness, Extreme sleepiness, Stomach pain, Nausea, Dizziness, Flushing, Arrhythmia, Heart palpitations, Muscle rigidity, Tremors, and, though rare, and only when you first start taking it ... Heart attack and increased angina. Call your doctor right away in case of the latter two eventualities, and go to the emergency room immediately.

Call your doctor?!?

Please imagine that phone call. Hello, I'd like to speak to Doctor So-And-So, as I am presently experiencing a heart attack. No, this can't really wait.
Oh, okay then, can you please give him a message?

Yeah, no callback number. I am a Luddite, this is a land line. No cell phone.

No message machine either. Did I mention that I'm a Luddite?

Wouldn't be able to call back anyhow.

For a while.

Somebody today told me that if I just took a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every evening before bed, with turmeric (probably also a teaspoon), I could dispense with all of those chemical (!) medications. It would cure me.
Just throw them all out, they are unnatural.

That person is lucky, incredibly lucky, that I am tactful, and did not have a teaspoon handy.

Otherwise they would have had a tale to tell in the emergency room.

You can saw someone's face off with a teaspoon.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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