Thursday, March 07, 2019


As many readers know, on work days my lunch is bought at the nearest convenience store, and sometimes leaves me wondering "what?". Today's yum-yum fab food item was grilled chicken strips in a cream and cheese sauce, allegedly Italian, over screwy pasta. It lacked anything that might increase flavour, such as perhaps nutmeg, fresh green herbal crap, white pepper, black pepper, any damned pepper at all, or cheesy sharpness.
The addition of Sriracha made it edible.

An altogether shallow attempt.

I'll probably have it again.

More Sriracha.

Reason being that el-cheapo sandwiches eventually tire one. "Oh Lord", one mentally exclaims, "those mediocre luncheon meats on pallid bread, again". The alternative being deep-fried fatty mystery animal parts.
Which also need Sriracha.

[My colleague had a sandwich product from Safeway, which had mayonnaise instead of the advertised Ranch Dressing that her heart was set upon. Which probably made it bland, almost Scandinavian. We'll have her on Sriracha yet.]

But a solution is at hand!

Thanks to a fellow pipe-smoker who is married to a fellow Dutch American (a natural source of culinary knowledge), I now know about this product:



[Photo: Jon Brunner (@jonBrunner), his Twitter.]

Quote: "A canned meat product with certified and reference values for a large number of constituents. SRM 1546 Meat Homogenate consists of a mixture of finely ground pork and chicken prepared and canned by a commercial process. NIST determined the concentration levels of cholesterol, sodium, calcium, iron, and seven fatty acids in this SRM using well defined methods and procedures. These analytes as well as 34 other constituents or properties were determined in an interlaboratory comparison exercise involving 21 laboratories, most of which are associated with the National Food Processors Association (NFPA) Food Industry Analytical Chemists Subcommittee (FIACS). From statistical analysis of the data, NIST assigned certified concentrations for the eleven analytes measured at NIST and reference concentrations for the proximates, six additional fatty acids, seven minerals, and seven water-soluble vitamins."
End quote.

[Source: Research Gate -- SRM 1546.]

Count me in! Finely ground pork and chicken prepared and canned by a commercial process? Did I mention Sriracha? Heck, I'd even bring in an electric fry pan and some curry paste, plus real bread.

We'll get Mayo at Safeway. Assuming that they have never heard of Ranch Dressing, never mind what they promised on my co-worker's sandwich.

Nutmeg, fresh green herbal crap, and white pepper.

We can feast! Hot curry!


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