Monday, March 25, 2019


First a cup of tea. Then outside for a walk and a pipefull. Tomorrow and Wednesday are my weekend, and other than yet another appointment down at the hospital, it will be a welcome break. In all honesty, being in Marin for so many days has worn me down a bit.

So escaping from it all with two days in San Francisco, with decent food, and non-asshat people, is deserved.

Today was not a talkative mood day, more a please shut-uppative day.

The denizens of Marin are precious and unique.

The stuffed creatures have taken over my bed. Some of them will need to be moved to on top of the pile of books before I can sleep. They will no doubt object; both the raccoon and his girl-friend the pretty little female skunk may grumble a bit. And the big amphibian will protest fiercely, because he enjoys being warm under the down comforter.

I'll be gentle, and try not to disturb their slumber.

Animals are often better than humans.

Especially Marinites.

I need an otter.

Post Scriptum: My blogstats tell me that there are over a hundred views of this blog right now from Russia. Probably all spam-bots, because it is unimaginable that so many people over there are interested in the adventures of a pissy Dutch American in San Francisco.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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