Sunday, March 17, 2019


One of the brief joys of this time of year is the return of green on the hills of California. For a short period, barely one or two weeks after the last rain, the veridian and jade hues will refresh the eye, startling in their intensity. Then gold returns, and the familiar visual pattern of rolling terrain fading in pale yellows into the distance reasserts itself.

At the moment, there are glorious overwhelming greens.
The weather is mild enough that one can enjoy that.

There are darker shades where there are trees. Along the highway near the Waldo Grade it almost resembles a jungle, and in parts of Marin it looks foreboding, dense, and evil. A bit beyond the beaten track there may be rattlesnakes, coyotes, and chicken eating monsters. Or feral hippies.
You can stumble and be ensnared in the undergrowth.
Something is out there.

In the Emerald Triangle it will soon be planting season. Followed in a few months by helicopters and raids.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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