Saturday, March 02, 2019


It is, as you must realize, frightfully easy to form an impression of people on the internet, based on what they post, and which conspiracy theories they promote. As well as on their memes.

One can also do so based on blog stats.

Pursuant precisely that, I shall postulate that most people cruising the web are juvenile Americans fascinated by underwear who read Lord of the Rings, and have never been abroad.

Every day since New Year, these two essays have garnered attention:

Yes, it's about feminine panties. I never realized this would fascinate so many people, but it turns out I was wrong. I would write more about the subject if there was anything more to say, but it isn't a favourite subject of mine, and has not had any impact on my life in years. It is not my best post, merely filler. I know they exist. In this essay I analytically describe the difference between bikini briefs, French cuts, and high cut panties.
There are NO pictures in the post.
It is dry and clinical.

Why is it that every single damned male reader of Tolkien's hugely over-rated garbage wants to smoke froofy flavoured pipe tobacco out of a long-stemmed pipe?!? Your jejune Gandalfian fantasies and self-images pall, and there are other pipe-smoking identities you could assume while playing 'Dungeons and Dragons'. Forget Sherlock Holmes, you could be Maigret or his creator Simenon, Faulkner, Einstein, Kafka, Bernard of the Netherlands, The Prince Consort, Bertrand Russell, or even Joseph Stalin. Nothing says pipesmoker of stature than a brutal dictator who killed millions!
Most of the casual visitors here are Yanks.
They've only heard of Tolkien.
Who are those others?

This recent post got over three hundred views.
Just colour me flabbergasted.

Why don't you visit Wales instead? The food is so much better, and their literature inspired Tolkien. They also speak English intelligibly.
Froofy pipe tobacco is available.

There are of course many other readers -- folks interested in Chinese food, porcelain glazes, linguistic matters, the Netherlands, and pipe tobaccos that mature adults would smoke -- but very many visitors are from the United States, and the posts listed above get an inordinate amount of attention.
So you can understand the conclusions drawn.

I love all my readers. Truly. But those who come here only for panties and shitty aromatic pipe tobacco perhaps significantly less.

People with stuffed animals are wonderful.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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