Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Rabbosai, a number of comments under a recent post are so interesting that I really must bring them to your attention. The post was an action alert forwarded from San Francisco Voice for Israel / Stand With Us, for a protest yesterday evening at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists (BFUU).
The reason for the protest was BFUU hosting the controversial self-hating anti-Semite, apologist for terror, and Israel-hater Gilad Atzmon in a charity performance organized by Bay Area Women in Black on behalf of the friends of Hamas and Hezbollah (the ISM).

[This post:http://atthebackofthehill.blogspot.com/2009/06/anti-semitism-in-berkeley-bfuu-and.html ]


At 9:54 AM, Anonymous said…
Great protest at the BFUU- great energy ! And more people on the street than in the concert!
Nice grass roots effort to eliminate hate in Berkeley.
And I completely agree with one of the spokespeople- there should be ZERO tolerance for hate speech in the Progressive community.
Does anyone know the story of that loser with the HAMAS flag and Nasrallah t-shirt? Just wondering

At 10:06 AM, Dancing Hamster said…
Does anyone know the story of that loser with the HAMAS flag and Nasrallah t-shirt? Just wondering

That was, if I recall correctly, Stephen Pearcy - looking amazingly buff now that he's in the market again (I don't believe for a moment that he and Virginia are back together - after over a dozen years of living with her abuser, she's finally realized that even if she LIKES being taken, she can do better). Also please note that he's had his teeth whitened and his hair colour 'corrected', which rather suggests that age is creeping up on him. Given his target "audience, that cannot be a good thing.
He's working out, too. I should find out which fitness center.

Stephen Pearcy, as you may recall, is the yutz who hanged a soldier in effigy - the gruesome puppet was roped to the eave of his Sacramento house in "protest" at something, with a changing roster of offense statements. He also participated in several flag-burnings and "radical direct actions". He's a classic ultra-left Nazi. With a superhumongous ego, and no actual achievements - other than courting Virginia when she was still a minor. Not quite sure of the age differential between them, he's eighteen or nineteen years older than her (they married four years after she moved into his house, when she finally turned eighteen).

At 10:07 AM, Dancing Hamster said…
Quote: "In August 2005, Pearcy made national news once again when he exhibited a painting at the California Department of Justice in Sacramento showing a star-spangled map of the United States being flushed down a toilet. The painting included the words, "T'anks to Mr. Bush!" The art exhibit was controversial ... "

No shit!

At 10:10 AM, Dancing Hamster said…
And this, quoted on diggers realm:
"She met Steven Pearcy when she was in 8th grade [13 years old]—he was her 31 year old math tutor, going to [University of CA at] Davis and working as a lab tech. She then moved in with Pearcy. "They had their own rooms, and didn’t get romantically involved until after she left UC Davis, they said. " When Virginia turned 18, they ’suddenly‘ realized they were in luuurve and married. That same day, I believe. Steven was 36. "

[SOURCE: http://www.diggersrealm.com/mt/archives/000808.html ]

At 12:35 PM, Strunk said…
Poncy red dye job. Looked like he had robbed a Pakistani mullah of his hennaed beard and glued it on. And the female-pattern baldness angry black man could've done with a bath. Nasty git.

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous said…"angry black man"
Oh! that would be Joseph Anderson. He usually uses spray on hair- perhaps he ran out.

--- --- --- --- ---

Source: this comment string:



The link provided by Anonymous at 1:46 PM goes to an article wherein this quote:
"Personally, I *EXULT* everytime I see an Israeli Jew bit the dust. And the same goes for their American cousins! EVERY SINGLE JEW EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD is a just and appropriate target for anti-colonialist liberation! We need to start targeting *EVERY* synagogue, *EVERY* Jew community center, school and everywhere else that you racist devils preach and propogate your agenda."

It's an interesting article, and I recommend you read it. It admirably captures the essence of the man.

As does this quote:
"Lovelle Mixon’s name will be legendary in the Bay Area—long after people forget the names of the four cops he killed in one afternoon. "[SOURCE: http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/04/05/18586189.php and ultimately: http://berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2009-04-02/article/32613?headline=The-Karmic-Justice-of-Lovelle-Mixon-s-Act]

Joseph Anderson, political activist, reporter manqué, and typical Berkeleyite, is a frequent contributor to the Berkeley Daily Planet, which has pretensions of being a real newspaper.

NOTE: Joseph Anderson and fellow-traveler Stephen Pearcy were outside the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists on Cedar Street yesterday evening, passionately defending free speech for Gilad Atzmon and his sponsors. This necessitated the waving of a large Hamas flag and loud vocalizing.
Berkeley is all about free speech, and the Berkeley Unitarians are keen to let one side of the issue be heard.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It was such a shame to hear about that "accidental" (wink wink) demise of Mr. Dan "Slimen" Kliman. Fortunately the peace movement will never have to deal with that piece of trash again. Someone up there (or out there...?) is apparently watching the actions of such people and rendering appropriate justice. That would make me worry if I were doing anything like he did...

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Did you ever wonder how it takes such little effort and no brains, talent or ability to become a first-class asshole like Pearcy? In his genre, floating shit rises to the top... of the toilet.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of hair and balding (since that's the only meat on this thread), Faith Meltzer seems to have taken a substantial hit just within the last two years. Anyone know what's prompting her rapid decline? Clearly it's something more than "natural growth" (ungrowth?). But seriously, there was a lot of oily scalp showing. I imagine she's stressed that Israel has lost so much ground in world opinion, but she looked more beaten down than that. So, in spite of Israel being a terrorist state (btw, I don't think Faith would lose sleep over Israel's baby-killing unless she had the capacity to imagine her children in place of Palestinian kids), I hope someone can address the questions much more relevant to this discussion--i.e., concerning the physical characteristics of those present at the event. In particular, questions like "why is Faith Meltzer balding?" and "does anyone know if she's sexually frustrated because nobody finds chemistry with her?" would be perfect topics for this thread.

The back of the hill said...

Stephen at 9:41, up yours.

Shattuck avenue last week, remember?

Duisburger said...

concerning the physical characteristics of those present at the event. In particular ...

Well of course you would be interested in starting a conversation about physical characteristics, Stephen - you're into tight young teenagers.

Probably has something to do with a small dongus, a big ego, and a sense of power.

Viagra much?

Duisburger said...

By the way, Stephen, have you any idea what your file looks like?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Rancid cameltoe said...

Virginia, tell Stephen to stop posting addresses. Orrick and co might not appreciate being involved in this. Or even hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

the deleted postings have been installed elsewhere on the net to ensure permanent status. as the saying goes, what goes around comes around. we're quite familiar with your age old Zionazi tactics. having supplied your info to other interested people, it's out of our hands what they do with it. sure, we could ask them to please restrain themselves, but we find little motivation to do so when reading your nonsense. so, in the meantime, keep your eyes peeled in the world of dialogue and free speech. :-)

Anonymous said...
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Curry Puff said...

Regal Road, 94708 and Howard Street, 94105?

Charsiubuns said...

in the meantime, keep your eyes peeled in the world of dialogue and free speech

Red, I think you mean "watch my back".
We do.

Anonymous said...
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Old Joe said...

as the saying goes, what goes around comes around

From: Stephen Pearcy [stephen.pearcy@sbcglobal.net]
Subject: :-)
To: sfvoiceforisrael
Date: Wednesday, December 3, 2008, 10:39 PM

justice prevails in amazing ways


You got eyes in the back of your head?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You should be happy to know about this fringe group's vulerability to the disclosure of their public records. Also, you should be proud about that file they mentioned. If you had no file, it would mean you weren't making a difference.

Anonymous said...

...... experience in employment-related litigation includes defending claims of wrongful discharge, retaliation, sexual harassment, wage-and-hour violations (including class actions) and breach of contract, as well as claims of discrimination based on race, religion, age, disability, medical leave, gender and sexual preference under federal and state law. His practice also includes litigation and counseling relating to trade secret misappropriation and non-compete/non-solicitation agreements.

Anonymous said...

hmmm...is that a sentence? and what does ms. dubner think about all your fierce chihuahua barking? (she knows dogs better)

Chihuahua said...

Better ask the managing partner that question.

Anonymous said...

managing partners get that a lot. cost-benefit weighs against complainants' goals. too many extremely satisfied clients would follow complainee. otherwise, change would have been long ago...

it's always been fun to know about the frustration though.

Vietnamese Sandwich said...

You know, I've always been curious about the difference in income between billing partners and associates. There isn't that much concrete information available, though.

I imagine it must be fairly major.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

in fact, the billing rate is very similar when comparing partners with senior associates

Anonymous said...
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Howard Herrington said...

Why is it that you think people like -- -- -- -- --, etc., wouldn't want their addresses posted here if those addresses are already publicly available? It never ceases to amaze me how spineless people like you are about losing your anonymity. You have no problem sitting back hiding behind pen names and shooting libelous attacks in peoples' backs, but you immediately cower and squirm the moment the light gets shined on you--like pathetic cockroaches.

Stephen, dearie, it isn't they who do not wish their address posted, it is this blogger himself.

By the way, does "she" park near the office?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Faith, please specify an alternative forum wher your address may be posted.

Hot Sauce said...

The next protest event will occur on the sidewalk in front [deleted]
a separate protest event will eventually occur on the sidewalk in front of [also deleted]

Surely that's a mistake?

You must mean Regal Road and Howard Street respectively.

Anonymous said...

i suspect she parks as close to the office as faith parks in her driveway.

Abdullah Slamdunk said...

Try here:

Please click


Mercifull Heavens said...

i suspect she parks as close to the office as faith parks in her driveway.

How about you? Do you drive?

Anonymous said...
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Goys 'R' Us said...

No, that's not quite what I meant. I was really wondering whether your license got taken away at the same time as your membership of the ....

Anonymous said...

still, keep an eye on the other sites ... :-)

now that you've thrusted yourselves into these public discussions, it gets more fun for your political foes.

E. Lephant said...

Speaking of thrusting ....

We hear your in the market again. Tell us how that's going.

Anonymous said...

are you trying to proposition stephen? i thought you swung alone.

Number 201121 said...

Wow. This is juicy. I thought Stephen Pearcy only swung towards the young.

I am fascinated, tell me more.

Anonymous said...

is that number 113110 speaking or is it one of those invalid numbers from the demo?

Anonymous said...


gotta love this!

Anonymous said...

What would Riad Saeid, Samaa Almoukdad, Samer AbdullahMark Atchan, Marth Rojas and Masaa Almoukdad have to say about this?

Would they be upset that Stephen has been sharing their emails with the wrong sort of people?

No- I think they'd be quite forgiving. But you never know.

197623 said...

is that number 113110 speaking or is it one of those invalid numbers from the demo?

I don't think it's that one.

Dan Bacher said...

O'Malley and Coates should've put keffiyehs over their faces. Idiots.

Mukhabarat said...

Masaa Almoukdad - related to Mazen?

It's an Iraqi name, you have to wonder what the connection with P'Stine is.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Look at what people say about me behind my back! ATBOTH- why didn't you tell me I was being roasted?

Stephen- an ad hominem is not a rebuttal. If the worse you can say about me is that my hair is thinning, believe me, I can deal with that. I'm also overweight. And I dress funny.
The ad hominem attacks don't bother me, Stephen. Its nothing my mother hasn't already told me.

Fascists like you have traditionally used threats and intimidation as tactics to eliminate dissent. Your words are not going to stop me. I will continue to speak truth to power. I hope you don't think for a second you could bully me into silence. I'm not that type of girl.

Keep the,

Anonymous said...

NB the quote from the article:

"Sometimes it takes a while, but it all comes out in the wash."

How does it feel to be easier to reach in the event service of process ever became relevant?

Have you created a trust just in case? I would think that anyone quasi-intelligent (or at least advised by someone sensible) who routinely engages in reckless defamatory comments would not want his/her assets unprotected.

Or, alternatively, you might choose to act lawfully; but apparently you don't know what that is.

Little Virgin said...

Spell it out, my good man. We're being a bit dense today.

Anonymous said...

Is Faith pretending to have just gotten here? And has Stephen ever been here? Now I'm really confused.

Protestant Doctrine said...

Salvation is by faith alone.

Anonymous said...

I don't get to play on the Internet while at work, sweetheart.

And (sigh) I'm an aging hippie.I have no appreciable assets.

My chief asset is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... My two assets are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... My *three* assets are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... My *four*...no... *Amongst* my assets.... Amongst my assets...are such elements as fear, surprise.... Never mind- I'll come in again.

If the Zionists control the world, then I want a better car. And I want Monty Python back on the air.

Faith, Hope and Charity.

Anonymous said...

I get here and everyone else leaves?
No one wants to play any more?
I guess its ok. It means I get the last word. And that will be:

Scepticism is the beginning of

Galod Itzman said...

Ah, but Monty Python IS on the air! More or less.



On the second link, there are 26 videos of favourite skits, three secret policemen's balls, and a number of other things.

Plus simply typing in "Monty Python" on youtube as your search criterium yields several pages of results. Probably more than any other search criteria.

Banana said...

And for the record, frankly speaking, that thing with Hillary and the coffin was a good one.

It has always been an embarrassment to me that so few of our congressleite did not vote against much of what was done in the last eight years, beginning with their not voting against allowing Bushywushy to go to war.

Pursuant thereto, a relevant quote: "Lee gained national attention in 2001 as the only member of congress to vote "No" on the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF), stating that she voted no not because she opposed military action but because she believed the AUMF, as written, granted overly-broad powers to wage war to the president at a time when the facts regarding the situation were not yet clear. She explained "It was a blank check to the president to attack anyone involved in the September 11 events -- anywhere, in any country, without regard to our nation's long- term foreign policy, economic and national security interests, and without time limit."

Weapons of mass hysteria, anyone?

Colin Powell said...

Iraq was probably one of the stupidest things that we as a nation have engaged upon.

Remarkable indeed, when you consider how many stupid things were done in the past eight years.

Anonymous said...

Just viewed some pics from Monday night. Rather suiting to see Steven "I prefer 14 yr olds to adult women" Pearcy holding a Hamas flag, given that it's every Muslims duty to emulate their pedo prophet - in both word and d e e d.

Anonymous said...

Anon - Yes, S Pearcy has been here. Take note of the lingering stench.

Anonymous said...

RE: The "every Muslim's duty" comment, there's perfect example of the kind of hypocrites you are when you throw tantrums over [ill perceived] anti-Jew rhetoric.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I would have laughed to have been at this, especially had I known what his future would entail:


How ironic that he called her a bitch and said she should die.

Justice certainly prevailed.

Anonymous said...

Kliman was obviously a violent guy who came to a voilent end.

Anonymous said...

Kliman was obviously a violent guy who came to a voilent end.

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't give Stephen Pearcy any attention. That's what he wants. When you give him attention, for one thing it only helps his name recognition, and for another, it legitimizes his messages in the eyes of less informed people. This is the last time I'll ever mention his name.

Anonymous said...

Do Omar Almoukdad, Osama Alrawi, Sharif Khoja, Tarek Abedrabbo and Vibiana Chamberlin know that their good friend Stephen shares their deeply personal emails with people who aren't quite vetted? Do you think they might want to find out?
Perhaps I should tell them.

Doctor Gaston G. said...

Okay, Stephen, I see you don't sleep. We can cure that.

Previous address posts have been removed. We specialize in removal.

Does the lovely lady with the raven-black hair know what you have been up to?

Jim Harris said...

a voilent end

Oh dear. It appears that mister spellcheck has betrayed us again, eh, Viagra-man?

Simon Says said...


Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting that attacks on female activists invariably focus on their physical characteristics?
Clearly feminism has not yet found its way into the "peace movement".

Anonymous said...

This little ol' bird found more info on Steven Pearcy and his now adult wife:


and another mention of him on this blog


Anonymous said...

an old blog of pearcy's


Anonymous said...

Hey Stevie: We have some great photos of you physically attacking anti-fascist people. Better be careful; some organizations will love to have them.

Anonymous said...

Looks like little Stevie-poo is even dumber than I thought.

Hey moron, if Israel is such a hateful place, why are so many gay Palestinians going to untold lengths to escape there? Why does Israel give them asylum? Or what about the Palestinian Christians who are being persecuted by Hamas? What about the Lebanese Christians being persecuted by Hezbollah, that Israel rescued and gave asylum. The facts are not on your side, face it. They are on ours.

By holding a Hamas flag, you are supporting genocide, and not just that towards the Jews.

What 36-year-old would be interested in marrying an 18-year-old? Why don't you tell us exactly how immature a 36-year-old man would have to be to do such a thing? That is public knowledge, and that is yet another reason why we laugh at you, make you the butt of jokes, and find you so repulsive.

I cannot imagine anyone who hire you as an attorney. You? Criminal defense? Get real, dumbass. Then again, you probably don't worry much about money now that Virginia is your sugar-mommy.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! I forgot, Virginia is done with you. Or are you done with her now that she is a grown woman?
Either way, you're going to have to worry about how to support yourself now.

I guess we'll soon see you begging for change at Market and 6th in the Tenderloin pretty soon. Ha ha!

Gonspock Dangputty said...

Whoops! I forgot, Virginia is done with you. Or are you done with her now that she is a grown woman?
Either way, you're going to have to worry about how to support yourself now.

I guess we'll soon see you begging for change at Market and 6th in the Tenderloin pretty soon. Ha ha!

Anonymous, that was cruel. There may indeed be more to their torrid marriage than mere HumbertHumbertism. And at least as an intellectual conceit, a Nabokovian-praedilection for imagining people so divergent being capable of feeling attraction to each other is delicious, no?

It's also quite sexist, as it suggests that Stephen is in charge of the stops and starts of the relationship, while entirely discounting the possibility that he might be so pussy-whupped as to have no input of his own. We just don't know who the dominant partner is. Stephen very well could be the bottom, Virginia the top. Who knows?

And I rather doubt that Stephen will ever beg on the street. It is much more likely that he would beg in a corporate and foundation environment. Surely all he has to do is file papers to become a nonprofit? There must be hundreds of dunces in Berkeley he can dun for whisky money. In the guise of "Dolls for Gaza", or "The West-Bank Jew Removal Project", or something equally appealing to a middle-aged Berkeleyite mob.

Anonymous said...

Stephen's been relocated to Sacramento, a second tier city for a second tier human being.

Its fitting.

Rumor has it Ginny realized he was an obstaclte to her advancement- he was just so embarrassing to have at office parties....

Anonymous said...

Virginia is now using her maiden name, Virginia Johnson.
I guess the divorce has been finalized.

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